Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life Off Of Auto-Pilot

As you may or may not know, I joined Weight Watchers 10 weeks ago (on a side note, I've lost 16 pounds and feel great!). I have had more than one person ask me why I joined - I was never that heavy. While that may be true, I have know for a long time that I have had some destructive habits when it comes to my relationship with food. It had gotten to the point where if I hadn't asked for help, I would have watched my weight spiral. I was heavier than I ever had been and I made alot of bad choices when it came to eating.

When I joined and started tracking what I ate, I found that I had to be much more conscious about what was going in my cake-hole. I had to plan and think ahead. No more auto-pilot. I remember one evening shortly after starting, we were at Freckle's year-end piano recital and afterward there were desserts and snacks out for people to eat. I looked around the room and watched as people mindlessly filled their faces.

Now, don't get me wrong. I have nothing against dessert! I had pie twice last week! However, it drew parallels for me as to how we live our lives. Auto-pilot. Reactionary. Buy now, pay later.

I wrote earlier in a post about switching to a cash-only system. This was taking control of another area of our lives that also operated on a non-thinking system for the most part. Ooo - I like that so I'll buy it. No planning, no control. Now I have a grocery budget and a meal plan in tow when I head to the store and we are much happier.

The more areas of our lives that we can take back the reigns, the better. There are small and simple steps we can take each day in whatever arena needs attention.

Weight? Start writing down what you eat or eliminate one bad habit now.
Money? Move to a cash-only system. It is truly the best way to see where your money actually goes.
Time? Do a to-do list and stick to it. Don't overwhelm yourself with 50 items. Make it achievable and enjoy the feeling of checking things off.
Personal time? Schedule it in. That's right - mark it on the calendar as "me-time" and don't make any other plans. Make it as high a priority as any other appointment. If you had a doctor's visit scheduled, you wouldn't choose not to go because there was too much laundry. Treat yourself with the same importance!
Cooking? Make a meal plan for the week - this will actually overflow into several arenas - you'll save time, money and end up eating healthier! Check out Sandi Richard's books if you need help. These are great books with family-friendly recipes that are easy to prepare.

Take control of your life. You are not a zombie or a robot so don't act like one. Don't let emotions or lack-of-planning control your day. Feel how it feels to soar with the controls in your hand. Trust me, life is much better in the driver's seat!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


On more than one occasion, Freckles has asked me "Are we rich?" My answer without hesitation is always yes. Then, of course I ask her what prompted her question. It usually has to do with "stuff".

So, I ask her what that means - being rich. Again, it often comes back to the acquisition of things. However, in my experience, "stuff" has very little to do with being rich.

I have little signs posted in my house that say "Today I choose to be wealthy." It is a choice. I experience the richness of my family. I experience the wealth of being together. I experience the fullness of giving to others.

Could I buy a new car? Of course. Could we live in a bigger house? Sure. We have the money and the credit. But it is a choice. If we choose to take on a car payment, it is at the expense of other things. If we choose to live in a bigger house, it would mean leaving it less often to go on vacation together as a family.

We have found that what is important is each other. It is the time spent together. When we choose to have an attitude of wealth, then abundance flows. We are very rich, indeed! We have everything we need at any given moment and so many luxuries as well.

It's just symantecs. How you define riches will determine your focus. Let your days be filled with the abundance of time spent together with those you love. Share with those around you. Find 10 things this moment you can be grateful for and express that gratitude joyfully.